Take your shoes off! – Kneipp foot bath

The Ancient Romans were already acquianted with the healing properties of water.Treatments using cold water were first applied in the 18th century. An English doctor, Floger’sname is associated with this, as he advised cold water
therapyto treat certain diseases. This school had several followers, along with Sebastian Kneipp, among many others.
Foot bath:
The circulation of the feet can be increased by walking on the „ground” of different size, shape and material in the water, which stimulates the reflex zones of the sole. Lift your feet out of the water at every step, walk slowly like a stork, then, let your feet dry in air and warm them by exercise. This foot bath uses the water of the Roman spring.
After taking your socks and shoes off, start walking in the foot bath from the sensors in order for the water to start moving.
Meditation helps reach and maintain the harmony of body-soul-mind.
Relax, rest your mind with this simplicity meditative exercise.
Repeat in silence seven times the word EASE, meanwhile concentrate on the top of your head.
Repeat to yourself seven times the word HONESTY, meanwhile concentrate on your heart.
Concentrating on the umbilical region, repeat seven times the word HYGIENE.
The next step is to focus on your third eye, which is located between your eyebrows, a bit above them, and repeat seven times the word CERTAINTY, then place your hand on your head and repeat three times: I AM SIMPLE.
Place your hand on your heart and repeat to yourself three times: I AM HONEST.
The next step is to place your hand on your naveland repeat three times: I AM CLEAN.
Finally, place your hand on your third eye, and repeat:I AM CERTAIN.